Quantum Healing Hypnosis

During your Quantum Healing Hypnosis session, you will relax into the deepest wells of your subconscious mind to access your inner knowing.

Earth Medicine Ceremony

With the assistance of drum, rattle, vocalization, and plant medicines, you will journey inward, exploring the deepest questions of your life and your connection to the Universe.

Earth Medicine Prep/Integration

Prior to any Earth Medicine ceremony, it is crucial to prepare your mind, body, and spirit for your earth medicine journey.

Shamanic Hypnotherapy

With the assistance of ancient spiritual practices and hypnosis techniques, you will be guided into a deep trance to connect with your inner wisdom.

Past Life Regression

You will be guided into a deep trance to identify and release trauma from your past lives.

Future Life Exploration

You will be guided into a deep trance to uncover and explore your untapped potential.

Energy Clearing

With the assistance of sacred herbs and shamanic instruments, we cleanse your space of unwanted or imbalanced energies to restore its natural flow.

15 Minute FREE Consultation

Want to understand which methodology is right for you? Book a FREE 15-minute phone consultation.

Card Readings

Using Shamanic Oracle card decks, you will be guided to precise wisdom, insight, and medicine revealed in each card.


  • The QHHT method was developed by Dolores Cannon, who was a hypnotherapist for over 45 years. She developed this method over several decades of working with thousands of clients.

    During a QHHT session, the hypnotherapist guides the individual into a deep state of relaxation and helps them access their subconscious mind. The individual is then able to explore past lives, access higher levels of consciousness, and gain insight into their current life and any physical or emotional issues they may be experiencing.

    The QHHT method is based on the idea that we all have the ability to heal ourselves and that our subconscious mind holds all the answers we need to do so. By accessing this deeper level of consciousness, individuals can gain a better understanding of their life purpose, release negative emotions and patterns, and experience profound healing.

  • With the assistance of various plant medicines and shamanic rituals, we enter an altered state of consciousness. In this altered state, one can connect with the spirit realm and interact with spiritual beings, ancestors, animal spirits, and other entities. One also may explore their inner world via the body, emotions, or mind.

    The common elements include purification rituals, invocation of spirits, healing practices, divination, and guidance for individuals or the community. The shaman may use tools such as rattles, drums, feathers, crystals, or herbs to facilitate the ceremony and channel spiritual energy.

    Shamanic ceremonies are often conducted to address various purposes, such as healing physical or emotional ailments, seeking guidance, finding balance and harmony, celebrating important life events, or connecting with the natural world.

  • Psychedelic preparation refers to the process of getting ready, both mentally and physically, for a psychedelic experience. Psychedelics are a class of substances that alter perception, cognition, and emotions, and can induce profound experiences.

    Examples of commonly used psychedelics include LSD, psilocybin mushrooms, ayahuasca, and DMT

  • 2 hours

    Shamanic Hypnotherapy is a type of therapy that combines elements of shamanism and hypnotherapy.

    Shamanism is an ancient spiritual practice that involves working with spirits, ancestors, and the natural world to heal and gain insights. Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that uses hypnosis to help individuals access their subconscious mind and make positive changes.

    In shamanic hypnotherapy, the therapist guides the individual into a state of deep relaxation and trance through hypnosis. While in this state, the individual may be guided to journey to different realms of consciousness and connect with their spiritual guides or power animals. The therapist may also use various shamanic techniques such as drumming, chanting, or visualization to facilitate healing.

    The goal of shamanic hypnotherapy is to help individuals access their inner wisdom and spiritual guidance to gain insights, heal emotional wounds, and overcome challenges. It is often used to address issues such as trauma, anxiety, depression, addiction, and relationship problems. It can be a powerful tool for personal growth and spiritual development.

    Can include soul Retrieval: traumatic experiences can cause a fragmentation of the soul. Soul retrieval involves journeying into non-ordinary reality to retrieve lost soul parts, reintegrating them into the person's energy field.

  • 2 hours

    Past life regression is a technique used in certain forms of therapy and spiritual exploration to access and explore one's supposed past lives. It is based on the belief in reincarnation, which suggests that an individual's soul or consciousness can inhabit multiple bodies across different lifetimes.

    During a past life regression session, a trained therapist or facilitator guides an individual into a relaxed or hypnotic state. Through verbal cues and visualization techniques, the person is encouraged to recall memories and experiences from past lives. These memories may surface as vivid images, sensations, emotions, or even narrative sequences.

    Proponents of past life regression believe that exploring past lives can provide insights into current life challenges, relationships, and patterns of behavior. They argue that unresolved issues or traumas from past lives may manifest as psychological or emotional difficulties in the present life. By uncovering and addressing these issues through regression, individuals may find healing, personal growth, and a deeper understanding of themselves.

  • 2 hours

    Future Life Exploration typically involves inducing a trance-like state in which an individual becomes highly relaxed and focused.

    During this state, the hypnotist can help uncover a person's thoughts and inner knowing to explore various aspects of their life, including their goals, desires, and potential future outcomes.

    When one explores a future aspect of themselves, one can learn the attributes and feel into who one must become. It's beyond getting a clue, its assisting in integrating that aspect into the now.

  • 1 hour

    Techniques include: smudging, sound healing, and energy extraction.

    Smudging: The burning of sacred herbs, such as sage or palo santo, to cleanse the energy field and remove negative or stagnant energies

    Sound Healing: The use of various instruments, such as tuning forks, rattles, bells, or rain sticks to produce vibrations and sound frequencies that can help clear and balance energy.

    Energy Extraction: The shaman identifies and removes energetic blockages or intrusive energies from the individual's energy field, using techniques such as hands-on healing, visualization, or blowing.

  • 1 hour

    With the assistance of Shamanic Oracle card decks, we are guided to the precise wisdom, insight, and medicine revealed in each card.

“Listen deeply to yourself, trust what you hear, and have the courage to take action.”

- Nassim Haramein